Jake & Tina
October 3rd, 2020

After having to significantly cut their guest list, Jake and Tina wouldn’t have changed a thing about their magical Manteo wedding and reception. Following a lighthouse ceremony, they headed back to 108 Budleigh for a gorgeous courtyard first dance under the twinkling lights. Whites, golds and eucalyptus greens kept everything light and airy. The bride, groom and their guests even enjoyed some boozy slushies before dancing the night away at their al fresco reception.


Featured Vendors

Photographer | Kasey Powell Weddings

Reception Venue | 108 Budleigh

Floral & Decor | Renee Landry Events

Beauty & Spa | Glimmer Hair & Makeup

Bar & Spirits | OBX Sunset Slush

Equipment Rentals | Metro Rental and Ocean Atlantic Event Rentals

Disc Jockey | John Harper Disc Jockey Services

Accommodations | Tranquil House Inn

Why did you choose the Outer Banks for your wedding?

Some of our favorite memories were made while vacationing in the Outer Banks. So, we decided to make our best memory here too. And for this, Manteo was perfect. Everything was in close proximity, our vendors were all top notch, and our family and friends were able to spend a weekend together in a place that they love. Even during a pandemic, all of the pieces came together beautifully. It likely never would have come together so easily were it not for the community of Manteo being so special and accommodating.

What was it like planning and having a wedding during COVID-19?

As for a wedding during Covid – 19, it was definitely not what we had always pictured. When you think about how you see your big day unfolding for years and years, you don’t picture your loved ones wearing face masks, and staying off of the dance floor to minimize close contact with other guests. You certainly don’t imagine your closest and dearest family members not being able to attend due to the fear of getting sick. And you normally would never have to second guess whether or not it was okay to hug someone on your big day! But unfortunately, this was the reality of having our wedding during Covid-19. We did have to significantly cut our guest list, and also had to put in extra efforts to make sure our venue could accommodate as many things outdoors as possible. We even had to switch our caterer two weeks out from our wedding date as our original caterer was unable to tell us if they could cater for us until the day before our wedding. But with all of that said, we do not regret having our wedding on our originally planned date. Not even for a second. We look back on that day as one of the best days of our lives, and although it would have been even better if Covid had not been an issue, it was still perfect in our eyes.

Jake and Tina’s wedding is featured in the 2021 issue of Outer Banks Weddings! To request a free copy of the magazine, click here